together we are stronger

You Have Breast Cancer - Now What?
You are no doubt overwhelmed and we’re here to help. Through personal contacts, the information line, our support groups and social media outreach, your friends at Bosom Buddies of Arizona are here to share their own experiences and knowledge with you. We can guide you toward the appropriate educational material and answer your many questions while offering our heartfelt support throughout. Start by browsing this website for cancer information and news about our members. Then take a look at the map on the Support page to find a group that meets near you. Call or email the leader or just show up at the next meeting. We look forward to seeing you!

Who We Are and Why We're Different
Why Bosom buddies of arizona

See our Resource Guide
“Navigating Your Breast Cancer Diagnosis” is a comprehensive guide, full of resources and advice, with the websites and phone numbers of many vital organizations ready to help.

Nuestra guía
“Cómo manejar tu diagnóstico de cáncer de mama” ofrece recursos y consejos para ayudarte a navegar tu rol como paciente o cuidador. En ella encontrarás sitios web y números de teléfono de múltiples organizaciones que te pueden brindar asistencia..
Learn How to Get Involved
BBA News and Events
- Nurse Navigators: Coordinating Care, Reducing Stress
- PINKTOBER 2022 – What’s Going On?
- Grupo de apoyo para supervivientes de cáncer de mama de habla hispana – ¡única edición!
- Restorative Movement: Pink Ribbon 360 Heals Mind and Body
- Choosing between a lumpectomy and a mastectomy
- How Nipple Tattoos Are Positively Impacting People’s Lives
- Don’t Delay Breast Cancer Treatment Over Fertility Fears
- Breast Cancer Over 70: How Much Treatment Is Enough?
- Obesity Raises Odds for Cancer’s Return In Breast Cancer Survivors
- Man Makes Prosthetic Nipples Nearly Identical to The Originals
Bosom Buddies of Arizona
Bosom Buddies, Inc. is a
501(c)3 non-profit organization.
- Information Line: 602.265.2776
- Hotline: 602.231.6648
- Email: